Thursday, August 23, 2007

More on polygamy, right or wrong

Many women today find their needs unfulfilled by the men in their lives. Some find themselves rejected by these men in divorce, or any other means of severing a relationship. Many are convinced that it was all their fault. They then turn to careers, the Women’s Movement, and/or lesbianism, among others in an attempt to satisfy or, fulfill their needs themselves (a futile effort at best). At this point we should recognize that the sexual relationship between husband and wife plays a major role in the satisfaction for both of the above needs #1 & 3, and in the wife’s satisfaction of #2. Thus supporting #4 & 5. This relationship, good or bad, is established by the husband. In our sexually obsessed nation we consistently miss the real value of the sexual relationship in our marriages, where it belongs in its entirety.
Much is written and said about the disintegration of the family today. I would highly suggest that if we really want to reverse this trend, we start by teaching our young men how to effectively satisfy the needs of women, specifically their wives. If this monogamous society does not begin doing this, the divorce rate will most likely grow, or at least remain constant. A divorce rate which in itself is unacceptable, and a major indication of a very decadent society, ripe for major change. Add to all this the current phenomenon of living together which could be looked at as a marriage unsanctioned by the government, but in essence still a marriage. When they break up, the reasons are usually the same as divorce, and the hurt as deep and intense, especially if there are children involved. More damaged, broken women, without a head, a loving leader. Bottom line, it is the husband ‘s responsibility to provide for the wife’s needs, all five, or at least assist her in their satisfaction. It is his responsibility to keep the marriage together. It is his responsibility to be there when his wife, or their offspring need him.
It is not hard to determine that a majority of the divorces in our nation are the husband’s fault. He failed to love his wife, and give himself up for her. Or we might just say he failed. There are always going to be exceptions. However, in the majority of the cases that is the way it is. If we as a society cannot, or will not reverse the trend of boys becoming men chronologically that are unwilling, or incapable of filling the role of husband and father, then polygamy becomes one of the few proven methods of dealing with the broken wives left in the wake. Women would then be able to seek out men who have demonstrated the ability to do the job. Especially if we are going to be a society that practices on the job training in husbandry, and fatherhood. Our young women should then be encouraged to seek out men as husbands that have proven themselves already to one or more wives, without divorce or any other separation.
The Holy Bible, a tool that has been available to men since well before the birth of our nation, contains very good advice for any husband and father. One passage in particular in the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 5, Verses 22 through 33, does not require any degrees in theology to understand, and apply. The man, no matter what his age, 15 to 100, that takes this passage seriously and applies it in his marriage, then gains an understanding of Dr. Maslow’s five basic needs(as they apply to women) and implements that knowledge, will find that he has the ability to satisfy 10 women, again age irrelevant, as easily as one. This becomes especially true if he accepts Jesus Christ into his life, maintaining a Christ centered household, and thus applying what Christ says about satisfaction of all our needs. Also, it is interesting to note that if a man properly applies the above he will find that he can be an effective father to 40 children as easily as four.

We have become a nation of many double standards, with blatant hypocrisy running through out our society. If we see a thirty year old man take a sixteen year old bride we might say some like “Oh, he sure is robbing the cradle” but really just brush it off as him doing his thing. However, if a sixteen year old male takes a thirty year old bride, we tend to get upset, and reel in horror at the thought. We immediately think “That’s disgusting, there ought to be a law .” Yet, in this era of Woman’s Liberation we are told that in our society today we should accept a woman doing anything a man can do. That women have choices, and full control over their own bodies. Then why shouldn’t a woman be allowed to choose to love and subject herself to a man much younger than she is, that treats her as a husband should? One who loves her, and has educated himself on how to fulfill some of her needs, helping her fulfill others. One who has taken the time to understand her. Also, is there any reason why she couldn‘t choose to share such a competent husband with other women?
If a man takes 3, 5. 10 wives, and keeps them happily satisfied, why should he be criticized or criminalized? Shouldn’t he be exalted in a society that has a 50% divorce rate, massive illegitimacy, and consenting adults living together on nothing more than a whim, having sex just for the fun of it? A society that has spousel and child abuse running rampant? If we take these into consideration, plus prostitution, adulterous affairs, abortion, and pornography, criticism of polygamy by this society amounts to people throwing stones from a giant glass house. Or as Jesus Christ puts it in Matthew Chapter 7, this society has to get the big logs out of their eyes before they can even consider doing anything about the speck in the eye of the man with more than one wife living with him.
In view of all of this , another point must be taken into consideration. Much of the justification of polygamy is done on a Biblical basis, mostly Old Testament. Thus a divorced woman would not be able to be taken into a plural (or monogamous) marriage. However, Evangelical Christians are a 37% minority in our nation, and their system of moral measure, the Holy Bible, is no longer considered the standard of measure by the majority, or our government at any level. Therefore, when we consider marriages by non believers (non Christians) who make up the majority of our nation, we must understand that these are partnership contracts created by the State through licence. They function much like a general partnership in business where two or more people join in a common purpose. This is irrespective of who officiates the ceremony. Thinking that this is a union in the eyes of God just because a person given a certain designation by other men officiates it, and the government condones it by licence, is naive thinking at best. Thus when there is a breach in the contract, it is the State that dissolves it, because the State created it. The individuals involved accept, and acknowledge it being simply a State created contract by accepting the dissolution by the State (Divorce Court). Calling this union a marriage and its dissolution a divorce is simply coincidental, traditional, and convenient. But call it what you will, it is only a contract created by the State through licence, recorded and acknowledged by the State. The only Biblical reference that would come close to describing many marriages today comes from Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 24, Verse 38, “For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving and in marriage” (NASB).

When there are children involved it complicates matters considerably. The old myth “They’ll get over, they’ll adjust” is just that, a myth. They don t get over it, nor do they adjust to the split. What they do is grow older (not that they have matured), marry, have children, get divorced, generating more maladjusted children who grow up, get married, have children, get divorced, ad infinitum. They have had little guidance in how to be a parent. So, how can we expect them to do the job. What we have here is the secular world messing with the Most High God’s Law, and as usual getting into mud up to their necks. Also, we must recognize that when we go to the secular courts asking for dissolution of the contract (divorce), we can only expect them to look at children the way they look at intellectual property in the dissolution of a business entity. But, hardly ever as living, breathing people. Why should they? They are to be concerned only with the “Letter of the Law.”

A Christian husband, in a plural(polygamous) marriage, should look upon a secular divorced woman as a very damaged person with no direction in her life. She is a person who joined into a contractual relationship with another. There was a breech, or several breeches, and the contract was dissolved by the respective authority, who simply applied the law. Most women suffer considerable emotional damage before, during, and after the dissolution. For many, it is easier to handle the death of their husband than separation by divorce. Thus, the Christian man considering taking such a broken woman as his wife, first or tenth, should first and foremost, lead her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Therefore, through the shed blood of Christ, she is cleansed of all unrighteousness. She is now repaired, fit to be assembled into a Christian household, and starts off with a clean slate.

The secular man that takes a divorced woman (Christian or secular) does not have any rules, little guidance, salvation, or the shed blood of Jesus Christ available to him. It is totally up to him to repair her damage, and assemble her into his household. As current statistics bear out, this can be, at best, a very difficult(almost impossible) task. If a man truly pours himself out into a woman, as the Bible says to do, and she then subjects herself to him, body mind and soul as more than wife, as a possession similar to his limbs, organs, or any other part of his body, allowing him to share her heart with Jesus Christ, then, only then, do you have a union that moves from two into one, three into one, or five into one. This is a union of a man and a woman, or women, that is almost impossible to break, or dissolve. Simply because it is a real marriage recognized by the Living God, Creator of all things large and small. This is a marriage that cannot be dissolved into separate individuals by simple court order. The only way this marriage can be broken is by amputation - death of one or more of its members.

The break up of Christian marriages we are witnessing today, and the victims that are left in the wake constitutes a grave and extensive subject. The fact that Christian marriages are breaking up at all (at a rate almost that of the secular world), and considering the reasons that they are breaking up, makes it a grave subject indeed. When the “Salt of the Earth” loses its saltiness, or becomes tasteless, what can we expect to happen to it? The answer can be found in Matthew 5:13. However, like it or not, this is a subject Christian men who can hold a family together, must deal with now. Because, we are generating many broken Christian women, who, after divorce, are severely injured emotionally. Most feel, very deeply, that it just was not suppose to happen. It is not suppose to be this way for those who love the Lord.. And, as a matter of fact, it is not suppose to be that way. But, in the lives of many Christians, that simply is the way it is. Only Jesus Christ, though Christian men (men that have demonstrated the ability to keep a family together) can repair these women, and keep them from falling back into the clutches of Satan. One can only ask- Is polygamy, and the patriarchal husband a potential solution? A cursory study of the Bible (about average for today ‘s Christian) would say No. But, prayer by a righteous man (such as a patriarch), and deeper study of the Scriptures will reveal that through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, as with the secular woman, a patriarchal husband can effect the cleansing of all of the iniquities of the divorced Christian woman. Thus, the patriarch of a Christian polygamous family is one of the few righteous men on the face of the earth that could in fact facilitate the cleansing of a Christian woman, broken in divorce. He is one of the few righteous men that can give her a head, and reinstate her as a viable member of the body of Jesus Christ. So, in light of the above, wouldn’t it seem reasonable, even Biblical, that the Christian community would begin teaching its young men how to be patriarchal husbands and fathers, with the ability to care for more than one wife? Especially considering the sick society we live in today, combined with the Christian community’s full acceptance of divorce as a means of dealing with their marital problems, even within their church leadership.
In conclusion I can only add, after attending the college graduation of our fourth and last child, that there is no measure of success on the face of this earth that can equal (even come close to) that of being a successful parent. There is no level of success in business, government, or the professions that can come close to the satisfaction, the fulfillment in a man’s life as that of becoming a proficient husband and father. All shared with a proficient wife, or wives, mothers of his children. This is something that is accomplished by maintaining a Christ centered household.

I submit that this is true self - actualization for both parents, to the benefit of the children.
Self-actualization the way our God wants it to be in our lives. The “self” Jesus Christ refers to in Matthew 22:39.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Polygamy in America - Right or Wrong

Let me begin by stating that as a husband and father of 4 grown children in a relatively successful 38 year old monogamous marriage, I do not regard patriarchal polygamy as an “alternative lifestyle.” Alternative to what? Monogamy? After 3 - 4 years of prayerful study in the Bible (NASB, NIV, & KJV) and other sources, plus many interviews, I find it to be Biblically and historically on par with monogamy. Both forms of marriage are condoned by the Most High God, and have the same potential weakness - The husband.
Whatever we wish to say or think of Tom Green, there is one undeniable fact that stands out here. He is a good husband. That has been proven by the support he has enjoyed from all five wives and all 29 children. Such support can only be earned. It has been 100% ( much to the dismay of Green’s prosecutor’s), and can be expected to continue even with him in jail. They will most certainly be there for him right up to when he gets out. How many monogamous husbands, homosexual partners, or those living together outside to bonds of matrimony can say that about their spouses or “significant others”?

What follows are thoughts I have had as I researched and wrote novel that is polygamy centered.

It is not how old we are. It is what we know , and how we use that knowledge.
5. Self Actualization
4. Status and Esteem
3. Love and Belongingness
2. Safety and Shelter
1. Physiological Needs

The above is the Hierarchy of Human Needs as stated by Abraham Maslow, Ph.D. He determined that people must fulfill each of these needs, beginning with number one, before they could go onto the next. He also found that these needs must be fulfilled in the order stated. A person may have low self esteem because they do not feel loved, and/or part of anything. Some may feel that they have no self esteem if their shelter is inadequate, or if they are hungry. Many that are hungry, and/or without shelter do not even consider their needs for love or self esteem.
It is only natural that a woman look to her husband in fulfilling each of the above needs. If a man will love his wife, give himself up to her, provide for her, and purpose himself to help her satisfy her needs, he will find that all his needs are satisfied through her. Also, he will find (in most cases) that his wife will then lovingly subordinate herself to him. However, this requires that a man put aside his selfishness, self centeredness, and self indulgence. An almost impossible task for many American males today, and their numbers are growing. However, if a man, no matter what his chronological age, can set self aside, and determine how to accomplish the above in satisfying the needs of women, he can have and hold as many wives as he wishes. This is irrespective of any government’s laws, or organized religion’s doctrine. It is the Living God’s Law in action. All Dr. Maslow did was put into words what God put into place in the beginning.