Saturday, September 29, 2007

None dare call it hypocrisy

Since the novel Collector of Broken Wives has been exposed to the public at large, it seems that many people that claim to be enlightened, tolerant, open-minded, when confronted with the polygamous lifestyle refuse to be enlightened about it, become very intorerant, and close their minds. Most intently hope that if they ignore it long enough, maybe, just maybe polygamy will go away. The root word of igonorance and ignorant is ignore.

It is possible that polygamy could go away. It could happen - If and when the Consenting Adult Doctrine is suspended or revoked and government starts requiring a marriage licence to live as if we are married. However, don't look for that to happen in the near or not too distant future.

Maybe more people need to have a family of one husband and three or four wives move in next door.

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